Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Before and After: Golden Plane

Giving an old biplane a golden effect using Adobe Photoshop. Starting in Adobe Lightroom, some basic adjustments were made in preparation before going over to Photoshop. First, to give the photo an faux HDR effect using the Basic panel in Lightroom, start by changing the Highlights slider to -81, the Shadows slider to +77, then the Whites slider to +27, and the Clarity slider to +28. Now we can head over to Photoshop by choosing Photo and Edit In. I prefer to choose Open as Smart Object in Photoshop to work nondestructively. 

In Photoshop, I started with adding a Color Lookup adjustment layer from the Adjustment panel and chose the 3Strip setting. Next comes a Gradient Map adjustment layer using the Sepia 3 gradient and sexting the blend mode to Hue. Then I made a copy of the Gradient Map layer and changed the blend mode to Hard Light. Next comes a Curves adjustment layer with the mid-point with the Input set to 166 and the Output set to 102, this darkens the midtowns of the photo. I then using a soft Radial Gradient on the Curves mask to knock out the adjustment in the center of the photo so as to give the look of a vignette. To finish it off, I added two black bars at the top and bottom to give it a wide look.

#beforeandafter #photoediting #adobephotoshop
Before editing in Adobe Lightroom and Adobe Photoshop.
After editing in Adobe Lightroom and Adobe Photoshop.